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The Liver and Gallbladder Cleanse

Foto del escritor: Diego PalmaDiego Palma

by Andreas Moritz

Many times, cancer is the result of a weak immune system. In order to supercharge the immune system, “liver flushes” are critical to the cancer treatment.

Some of the essential functions of the liver include:

  • Processing nutrients absorbed by the intestines so they are more efficiently absorbed.

  • Regulating blood composition to balance protein, fat, and sugar.

  • Destroying old red blood cells

  • Producing essential chemicals to help blood clot properly.

  • Breaking down and metabolizing of alcohol and medications.

  • Producing essential proteins and cholesterol.

  • Removing toxins from the blood stream including bilirubin, ammonia, and others.

  • Storing of minerals, iron and Vitamin A.

Benefits of a Liver Flush include:

  • Weight Loss

  • Immune System Support

  • Discourages Liver Stones

  • Supports Whole Body Detox

  • Boosts Energy

  • Increases Vitality

Cleansing the liver and gallbladder from gallstones is one of the most important and powerful approaches you can take to improve your health. The liver cleanse requires 6 days of preparation, followed by 16 to 20 hours of actual cleansing.

To remove gallstones you need the following items:

  • six 1-liter (32 oz.) containers of apple juice.

  • 4 tablespoons of Epsom salts dissolved in 700 mL (24 ounces) of water.

  • 1/2 cup (4 oz.) of cold-pressed, virgin olive oil.

  • 2/3 glass of fresh grapefruit juice (pink is best), or fresh lemon and orange combined.


Drink 1 liter (32 oz.) of apple juice per day for a period of six days: (You may drink more than that if it feels comfortable to do so.)

The malic acid in the apple juice softens the gallstones and makes their passage through the bile ducts smooth and easy. The apple juice has a strong cleansing effect.

Some sensitive people may experience bloating and, occasionally, diarrhea during the first few days. Much of the diarrhea is actually stagnant bile, released by the liver and gallbladder (indicated by a brownish-yellow color). The fermenting effect of the juice helps widen the bile ducts. If this becomes somewhat uncomfortable, you can dilute the apple juice with any amount of water, or use other options described later.

Drink the apple juice slowly throughout the day, between meals (avoid drinking the juice during, just before, and in the first two hours after meals, and in the evening). This is in addition to your normal water intake.

Note: Preferably, use organic apple juice, although for the purpose of the cleanse, any good brand of commercial apple juice, apple concentrate, or apple cider works just as well.

Dietary recommendations

During the entire week of preparation and cleansing, avoid foods or beverages that are cold or chilled; they chill the liver and, thereby, reduce the effectiveness of the cleanse. All foods or beverages should be warm or at least room temperature.

To help the liver prepare for the main part of the cleanse, try to avoid foods from animal sources, dairy products, and fried food items. Otherwise, eat normal meals, but avoid overeating.

What you need to do on the sixth day of drinking apple juice

Drink all the 1 liter (32 ounces) of apple juice in the morning. You may start drinking the juice soon after awakening. If you feel hungry in the morning, eat a light breakfast, such as a hot cereal; oatmeal would be an ideal choice. Avoid sugar or other sweeteners, spices, milk, butter, oils, yogurt, cheese, ham, eggs, nuts, pastries, cold cereals, and the like. Fruit or fruit juices are fine. For lunch eat plain cooked or steamed vegetables with white rice (preferably basmati rice) and flavor it with a little unrefined sea or rock salt. To repeat, do not eat any protein foods, butter, or oil, or you might feel ill during the actual cleanse. Do not eat or drink anything (except water) after 1:30 p.m., otherwise you may have difficulties passing stones! Follow the exact schedule below.


6:00 p.m. Add 4 tablespoons of Epsom salts (magnesium sulfate) to a total of 700 mL (24 ounces) of filtered water in a jar. This will make 4 doses of 175 mL (6 ounces) of water with 1 tablespoon of Epson salt.

Drink your first dose now. You may take a few sips of water afterward to neutralize the bitter taste in your mouth, or may add a little lemon juice to improve the taste. One of the main actions of Epsom salt is to dilate (widen) the bile ducts, making it easy for the stones to pass. Moreover, the salts clear out waste that may obstruct the release of the stones.

8:00 p.m. Drink your second dose of Epsom salts.

9:45 p.m. Thoroughly wash the grapefruits (or lemons and oranges). Squeeze them by hand and remove the pulp. You will need 3/4 glass of juice. Pour the juice and 1/2 glass of olive oil into the pint jar. Close the jar tightly and shake hard, about 20 times or until the solution is watery. Ideally, you should drink this mixture at 10:00 p.m., but if you feel you still need to visit the bathroom a few more times, you may delay this step for up to 10 minutes.

10:00 p.m. Stand next to your bed (do not sit down) and drink the concoction, if possible, without interruption. Do not take more than 5 minutes for this.


This is essential for helping to release the gallstones! Turn off the lights and lie flat on your back with one or two pillows propping your head up. Your head should be higher than your abdomen. If this is uncomfortable, lie on your right side with your knees pulled toward your head. Lie perfectly still for at least 20 minutes, and try not to speak! Put your attention on your liver.

You may feel the stones traveling along the bile ducts like marbles. There won't be any spasms or pain because the magnesium in the Epsom salts keeps the bile duct valves wide open and relaxed, and the bile that is excreted along with the stones keeps the bile ducts well lubricated. Go to sleep if you can.

If at any time during the night you feel the urge to have a bowel movement, do so. Check if there are already small gallstones (peagreen or tan-colored ones) floating in the toilet. You may feel nauseated during the night and/or in the early morning hours. This is mostly due to a strong, sudden outpouring of gallstones and toxins from the liver and gallbladder, pushing the oil mixture back into the stomach. The nausea will pass as the morning progresses.

The Following Morning

6:00-6:30 a.m, Upon awakening, but not before 6:00 a.m., drink your third dose of Epsom salts (if you feel very thirsty, drink a glass of warm water before taking the salts). Rest, read, or meditate. If you are sleepy, you may go back to bed, although it is best if the body stays in an upright position. Most people feel fine and prefer to do some light exercises, such as yoga.

8:00-8:30 a.m. Drink your fourth and last dose of Epsom salts.

10:00-10:30 a.m. You may drink freshly pressed fruit juice at this time. One half-hour later, you may eat one or two pieces of fresh fruit. One hour later you may eat regular (but light) food. By the evening or the next morning you should be back to normal and feel the first signs of improvement. Continue to eat light meals during the following 2-3 days. Remember, your liver and gallbladder have undergone major "surgery," albeit without the harmful side effects or the expense.

Note: Drink water whenever you are thirsty, except right after drinking the Epsom salts and for the first two hours after drinking the oil mixture.

The Results You Can Expect

During the morning and, perhaps, afternoon hours following the liver cleanse, you will have a number of watery bowel movements. These initially consist of gallstones mixed with food residue, and then just stones mixed with water. Most of the gallstones are peagreen and float in the toilet because they contain bile compounds. The stones will be in different shades of green and may be bright-colored and shiny like gemstones. Only bile from the liver can cause this green color.

Gallstones can come in many sizes, colors, and shapes. The light colored stones are the newest.

Dark-green stones are the oldest. Some are pea-size or smaller, and others are as big as 1 inch in diameter. There may be dozens and, sometimes, even hundreds of stones (of different sizes and colors) coming out at once.

Also, watch for tan-colored and white stones. Some of the larger tan or white stones may sink to the bottom with the stool. These are calcified gallstones that have been released from the gallbladder. They contain heavier toxic substances, with only small amounts of cholesterol. All the green and yellowish stones are as soft as putty, thanks to the action of the apple juice.

You may also find a layer of white or tan-colored chaff, or "foam," floating in the toilet. The foam consists of millions of tiny white, sharp-edged cholesterol crystals, which can easily rupture small bile ducts. They are equally important to release.

Try to make a rough estimate of how many stones you have eliminated. To permanently cure bursitis, back pain, allergies, or other health problems, and to prevent diseases from arising, you need to remove all the stones. This may require at least 8 to 12 cleanses, which can be performed at three-week or monthly intervals, (Do not cleanse more frequently than that!) The three-week break between cleanses may include the six-day preparation for the next liver cleanse, but most ideally, it should start after the three weeks have passed. If you cannot cleanse this often, you may take more time between cleanses.

The important thing to remember is that once you have started cleansing the liver, you should keep cleansing it until no more stones come out during two consecutive cleanses. Leaving the liver half clean for a long period of time (three or more months) may cause greater discomfort than not cleansing it at all.

The liver, as a whole, will begin to function more efficiently soon after the first cleanse, and you may notice sudden improvements, sometimes within several hours. Pains will lessen, energy will increase, and clarity of mind will improve considerably.


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